Saanich Complete Streets
Concept Design
Client District of Saanich
Location Saanich | British Columbia | Canada
The District of Saanich has conducted transportation projects that are focused on making sustainability a priority. These projects have specific goals that intend to provide green house gas (GHG) reductions, storm water quality improvements, and enhanced balance between travel modes. The District is committed to dramatically increasing transit ridership, walking, and cycling over the next twenty-five years. It is recognized that streetscape design is a vital component in achieving these initiatives. The District retained O2 for planning and design of three corridors.
The project includes conducting an extensive site analysis, as well as determining opportunities, constraints, and future transportation demands for the development of conceptual streetscape design. The corridors are to be explored and analyzed in terms of their ability to provide diverse and engaging walkable spaces that link communities, provide alternative modes of transportation, and promote economic vitality. Concept designs for each corridor will illustrate the street’s capacity for environmental sustainability, tree viability, accessibility and improved travel modes, and relationships to the local community.
O2 is also responsible for all components of the stakeholder and public engagement process, which includes installation engagement with ‘sounding boards’ (large chalkboards, post-It boards) at key locations along the study areas, the creation of a YouTube walking tour to self-guide participants, and informative public open houses.