Lethbridge River Valley Parks
Master Plan

Client City of Lethbridge
Location Lethbridge | Alberta | Canada

The Lethbridge River Valley is a strong civic asset that is highly valued by the residents. This extensive green network provides numerous recreational opportunities and ecological services such as stability of slopes, biodiversity, wildlife habitat and resilience from major flood events. The river valley is constantly facing development pressures within the valley and at its edges, which could impact park users experience as well as the vitality of this exceptional ecosystem.

In recognition of these development pressures and the lack of adequate tools to protect and maintain the long-term vitality of the river valley, The City of Lethbridge contracted O2 to develop the River Valley Parks Master Plan (RVPMP) and the Sustainability Plan (RVSP).

The RVPMP sets out a long term vision for the river valley and guides how the river valley will be used, balancing the preservation of the ecosystem and the desire for residents to enjoy the use of the river valley. The RVSP is an important companion of the Parks Master Plan and provides comprehensive management strategies to ensure a highly functioning and ecologically healthy landscape.

Public engagement is integral to the development of the plans. The phased-approach to public engagement is timed with key decisions and build off each phases in an iterative way. Engagement activities include a combination of online techniques, place-based engagement and focused workshops and open houses.