Halifax Integrated Mobility Plan
Client Halifax Regional Municipality
Location Halifax | Nova Scotia | Canada
The Halifax Integrated Mobility Plan is aimed at increasing the modal split of sustainable forms of transportation across the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). Importantly, transportation demand management, transit, active transportation networks and road networks are to be examined within the context of anticipated growth. Based on successful prior projects, including the Halifax Green Network Plan and the Regional Centre Plan, O2 was contracted to oversee the strategy and execution of public engagement and support the development of the final Integrated Mobility Plan document, ensuring the content is easy to understand and accessible to the public.
The Integrated Mobility Plan considers how people move around the region – from walking and cycling, to buses, ferries, and cars – and presents policies and actions to improve connections between modes and routes. The engagement process and final plan took an innovative approach to mobility planning, considering issues and opportunities from a regional perspective of efficiency and affordability, as well as considering a person’s everyday experience in city streets and paths, through comfort, enjoyment, safety, and accessibility for citizens of all ages and abilities.