Nanton Wayfinding

Client Town of Nanton
Location Nanton | Alberta | Canada

With a newly designed town identity, the Town of Nanton asked O2 to develop a comprehensive wayfinding strategy to address a single task: How can we get people to stop and spend time in Nanton?

Located on a major highway in Southern Alberta, Nanton has a consistent flow of traffic, and potential visitors, through the town core on a daily basis. However, due to some challenging circulation conditions and an abundance of local advertising signs, Nanton’s heritage and strong sense of identity was getting lost in the clutter.

The Nanton Wayfinding Strategy outlines the issues and opportunities of the town’s connectivity and visual identity and outlines a strategy to create a distinct sense of arrival to the town. Directional signs convey clear, succinct information for visitors to easily navigate to popular destinations and attractions, by car and on foot.

In addition to signage, the strategy also addresses ways to create a more legible environment through improvements to pedestrian comfort and safety, enhancing the overall connections throughout the town core and encouraging visitors to get out and explore Nanton.