Ribbon of Green SW+NE

Client City of Edmonton
Location Edmonton | Alberta | Canada

The North Saskatchewan River Valley and Ravine System is the most dominant physical feature and the greatest natural asset of Edmonton and the surrounding region. Totalling more than 7,400 hectares. Its unique physical, biological, historica and scenic characteristics significantly contribute to Edmontonians’ quality of life. The Ribbon of Green Plan provided strategic guidance for the conservation, preservation and responsible use of the River Valley and Ravine System. The Plan helped support and sustain an interconnected River Valley and Ravine System that meets the needs of the environment while providing diverse recreational and cultural experiences for those who work, play or live in Edmonton. It established a vision and priorities for the whole system and management considerations and conceptual plans for Middle and Outer River Valley areas.

As part of the Ribbon of Green Plan, a series of Amenity Nodes and Trail Heads were selected using criteria such as recreation, ecological and cultural assessments as well as existing site disturbance and accessibility. Amenity Nodes and Trail Heads are sites that present opportunities for a high level of use and a concentration of amenities and programming. In contrast to trails, which facilitate movement through open spaces, Amenity Nodes and Trail Heads support the trail systems to create a recreational network in harmony with the natural environment. This network approach to recreation focuses human activity in appropriate locations while protecting ecologically sensitive areas. To distribute recreational use and mitigate the effects of overuse, it is important to provide Amenity Nodes and Trail Heads at regular intervals.