Devonian Botanic Garden Master Plan

Client University of Alberta
Location Devon | Alberta

The Devonian Botanic Garden is one of nineteen sectors of the University of Alberta. It is a unique university asset located approximately 30km from the main university campus in a rural area of ecological significance. Often referred to as a ‘garden in the forest’ the botanic garden covers approximately 240 acres with 80 acres of gardens and 160 acres of natural lands located within a unique 12,000-year-old dune landscape. O2 was retained to develop a master plan for garden with the following goals:

  • To develop a vision for development and redevelopment compatible with the principles of the broader University’s mandate.

  • To identify potential development and redevelopment sitesthat address Faculty, University services and other expansion requirements.

  • To envision future programs and opportunities to achieve increased visitation targets.

  • To develop an implementation plan that integrates the entire Garden property.

The vision for the Devonian Botanic Garden is to be an internationally recognized institution offering authentic garden experiences rooted in a unique natural and cultural landscape. The garden will inspire appreciation for nature, interdisciplinary research, academic scholarship, and experiential learning. Building on the garden’s heritage, the master plan outlines a future Devonian Botanic Garden that will connect to broader audiences through new and refined collections, appropriate complimentary expansion and year-round programs. The plan identifies and integrates opportunities for research facilities, conference and overnight stay facilities, seasonal programs, children’s gardens, increased parking and maintenance areas, as well as improved access and arrival experiences. 

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