Breathe: Edmonton’s Green
Network Strategy

Client  City of Edmonton
Location  Edmonton | Alberta | Canada 

Breathe: Edmonton’s Green Network Strategy is a 30-year strategic plan that sets direction for the sustainable care and expansion of Edmonton’s parks and open spaces. Breathe will act as a living framework, guiding open-space development, service delivery and asset management into the future.

Recognizing the value of open spaces to the ecology, civic function and wellness of residents, the Green Network Strategy outlines how to preserve and enhance the city’s natural areas, parks, plazas, greenways and recreation spaces. Breathe moves beyond simple standards for the amount of open space by calling for connected, multifunctional open spaces.

Edmonton’s renowned world-class River Valley and Ravine System provides an essential ecological backbone of core natural areas, further complemented by a diverse set of ecological parks and green infrastructure throughout the tablelands. A network of trails, corridors and pathways links parks and neighbourhoods while fostering the wellbeing of residents through active living and experience of the outdoors.

Breathe will act as a living framework, allowing the City to make the best use of its lands, collecting key information on the opportunities and challenges the city faces as it develops. The Strategy provides a powerful tool for the wise stewardship of the city’s open spaces now and for decades to come.